Raina Leckie, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
University of Oklahoma
Raina Leckie is an Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the College of Medicine at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She is currently serving as Past Chair of OUHSC’s Interprofessional Educators and Practitioners Association (IEPA) and Chair Elect of the Student IEPA Committee. Since learning about interprofessional teams as a student, Raina has been committed to sustaining and providing opportunities for students and faculty to learn and practice team-based care.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The Communities of Practice (CoPs) framework illustrates a method for improving team and team-member experience and outcomes by focusing on shared identity and values and being intentional about inclusion and growth. This framework has been applied to a multitude of disciplines and environments, including healthcare and education. Campus leaders have identified key strategies for successful cultivation of interprofessional CoPs at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC), a comprehensive academic health system boasting over 80 degree programs among 19 professions in seven…
Learner outcomes in interprofessional education are considered to be tied to the expertise and proficiency of the faculty or clinician educator. However, many educators in the traditional health sciences academy are not trained in the methods of evidence-based best practices for interprofessional education. As a method to enhance existing and encourage future interprofessional activities, a university Interprofessional Educators & Practitioners Association (IEPA) has proposed the creation of a foundational interprofessional/interdisciplinary facilitator/educator certificate program. The…
Recent research within IPE has focused on developing a larger framework to standardize and guide future research and interventions. Within the separate health professions, development of professional identity is considered foundational within their education (Adams, 2006). It is theorized that in order to become a lifelong interprofessional collaborator, the student must also develop an interprofessional identity along with their professional identity (August et al., 2020; Khalili & Orchard, 2020; Tong et al. 2020b). Yet, similar to other areas of IPE research, there is a lack of clarity…
Our team developed the Interprofessional Intervention Opportunities Tool (IIOT) for the Unity Clinic, an interprofessional student-run clinic in Oklahoma City. IIOT is a one-page color-coded reference tool that lists common diabetes symptoms and disciplines that can intervene per symptom. The goal of the IIOT is to enable students to think beyond stereotypes of their current and future healthcare team members and allow them to see real-world examples that are within each profession's scope of practice. This tool was approved for use within our student clinics and could potentially be…