Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Director, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin Madison
Susan Wenker, PT, PhD, GCS-Emeritus is the Director of UW-Madison DPT program and an Assistant Professor (CHS) int the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. She earned her BS at UW-La Crosse and her Masters and PhD degrees at UW-Madison through the School of Education. She is actively involved in the APTA Geriatrics and teaches in the University of Wisconsin-Madison DPT program. Additionally, she teaches the Credentialed Clinical Instructor Course and serves on multiple campus committees for interprofessional teaching, leadership, and programming. Her research focuses on interprofessional programming for students across the health care professions.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Informal dementia caregiving by family caregivers is a crucial component of the care provided to people living with dementia (PLwD). Currently, health professional training focuses on providing care to PLwD and does not always address the caregiver’s needs and training often occurs within professional solos and not interprofessionally. This study sought to address this issue by: 1) examining the current state of interprofessional dementia caregiving trainings in the US; and 2) developing a micro-credential curriculum called interprofessional dementia caregiving telehealth community practicum…
A critical gap exists in providing interprofessional education to health/social care students related to the health and wellbeing of family caregivers of people living with dementia (PLwD). Despite growing dementia care curricula in the US, the interprofessional dementia caregiving curriculum is still lacking. To address this important educational need, a multi-phase approach was used to develop, implement, and evaluate a customized micro-credential curriculum, called ‘interprofessional dementia caregiving telehealth community practicum badge’. The purpose of this Talk is to present the pilot…
Learning Objectives: • Explore the development of an international interprofessional professional development (PD) consortium• Describe the requirements for the UW-Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) IPE Teaching and Facilitation Badge Program • Experience and participate in a train-the-trainer interactive PD workshop on online IPE facilitation• Engage in developing ideas for IPE PD opportunities for their faculty, staff, and preceptorsTo further move the interprofessional practice and education (IPE) agenda forward globally, professional development…