Assistant Professor
Toronto Metropolitan University
Kateryna Metersky is an Assistant Professor at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Toronto Metropolitan University. Her research explores patient roles within interprofessional teams in primary care specifically focusing on patient empowerment and self-care management. This work extends Dr. Metesky’s Master of Nursing study exploring patients’ experiences with interprofessional care. The intention is that this program of research will aid interprofessional teams in providing more person-centered care to patients, enhancing patient health outcomes and increasing personal work satisfaction. In addition, Dr. Metersky continues to maintain her registered nurse practice in General Internal Medicine at the Toronto Western Hospital.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Since the early 2000’s, across Canada, a real emphasis was being placed on creation of interprofessional teams (IPTs) in all healthcare settings. These IPTs often do not include patients as part of team membership. The basis of these teams, however, is the enhancement of patient-centered care delivery and patient healthcare experience. A transformation of these teams is needed if the goals of interprofessional care are to be realized. Currently, there is a paucity of research available on how patients can become members of such teams in terms of what roles they can enact within them. The…