C. Kim Stokes, DMSc, MHS, PA-C
Program Director and Chair of the Physician Assistant Program
Elon University
C. Kim Stokes, DMSc, MHS, PA-C is an associate professor of physician assistant studies at Elon University. She has a background in IPE, primary care, and surgical oncology. Her research includes interprofessional faculty development and interprofessional collaboration in the simulated clinical setting. She currently serves as the chair of the IPE committee in the School of Health Sciences.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

We will discuss an interprofessional orientation week activity to break down biases and introduce interprofessional practice and education called “Professional Identity and Me”. This co-curricular activity was created to forge connections between professional identity and the values and ethics of others, as these are competencies1 for interprofessional practice and education that intersect with JEDI. The scaffolding approach chosen to organize this activity was selected after a scoping review of literature of best practices for establishing foundational understanding of diversity, equity,…
Healthcare providers often must communicate with caregivers to provide care to patients. This is even more important when the patients are unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves. Crucial Conversations with Caregivers is a classroom activity focused on the theme of improving family-engaged practice. The activity relies on the participation of an interprofessional team of students, caregiver, and facilitators. The classroom activity is broken into three distinct parts; 1. caregiver personal storytelling of managing the complicated health care of a child and now adult with…