Clinical Assistant Professor, Coordinator of Community Experiential Education
Wayne State University- Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Brittany Stewart, RD, PharmD is an assistant professor at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and is the Coordinator for Community Experiential Education. She is the coordinator for the interprofessional team visit program (IPTV) for third year student pharmacists and has research experience with the IPTV program. Dr. Stewart worked with Drs. Saad and Mayberry to develop and implement a pharmacy advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Dr. Stewart serves as the primary preceptor for the interprofessional pharmacy/dental APPE.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Participation in interprofessional education (IPE) during formal education is necessary to properly prepare students to collaborate with various disciplines in their clinical practice. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated room capacity restrictions and social distancing recommendations have made it challenging for educators and institutions to continue the implementation of IPE activities. The safety of students and patients/clients is necessary when providing IPE opportunities in our current pandemic climate. Therefore, telehealth modality was implemented to…
In comparison with well-established models of interprofessional collaboration, pharmacy and dentistry collaborations are still relatively newer in development. Yet, as the medical complexities of patients with oral health concerns continue to increase, it is crucial to equip learners with the skill sets to treat patients more holistically regardless of the clinical setting. Published literature discussing pharmacy and dental collaborative models is scarce and incorporates various models that engage learners. This session aims to discuss the experience of faculty from four institutions that…