PharmD, BCPS
Teaching Specialist, Director of Pharmacy Learning Collaborative
University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Anna Milone is the Director of the Pharmacy Learning Collaborative that focuses on innovative online learning and teaching with writing. Learners include pharmacy students, undergraduate and graduate students, and health profession students across a broad range of programs. She previously served in an interprofessional practice with the UMN School of Dentistry focused on interprofessional education and developing clinical pharmacy services. Programs included undergraduate dental practice clinics, dental hygiene, dental therapy, and advanced practice pharmacy students. She most recently has been involved in developing and delivering interprofessional education opportunities between pharmacy and dental hygiene programs.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Interprofessional collaboration between dentistry and pharmacy has great value but is often lacking in education, particularly in dental hygiene programs. Interprofessional education activity: A case-based interprofessional assignment was implemented into the dental hygiene curriculum. Students were asked to write a reflection on their experiences and complete the International Collaborative Competencies Attainment Survey (ICCAS)18 to assess changes in self-reported interprofessional competencies following the activity.Reflections revealed a number of knowledge gain themes, with…
In comparison with well-established models of interprofessional collaboration, pharmacy and dentistry collaborations are still relatively newer in development. Yet, as the medical complexities of patients with oral health concerns continue to increase, it is crucial to equip learners with the skill sets to treat patients more holistically regardless of the clinical setting. Published literature discussing pharmacy and dental collaborative models is scarce and incorporates various models that engage learners. This session aims to discuss the experience of faculty from four institutions that…