Assistant Dean for Education
Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center
Zachary A. Weber, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDCES, FASHP is the Director of Interprofessional Education and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice for Purdue University College of Pharmacy and the Assistant Dean for Education for the Indiana University Interprofessional Practice and Education Center (IU IPE Center). At the College of Pharmacy, he is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the required, longitudinal IPE curriculum for Doctor of Pharmacy students, and at the IU IPE Center he oversees and manages the educational content and delivery of the Indiana statewide Team Education Advancing Collaboration in Healthcare (TEACH) IPE curriculum.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Providing comprehensive and equitable care to all patients is a requirement of all healthcare providers, with part of the educational process being to learn about patient populations that might have unique considerations related to their healthcare needs. This concept has been further reinforced through the recent introduction of the healthcare quintuple aim that includes considerations of health equity as a key element for achieving improved patient care, outcomes, and cost. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) community represent one of these populations. To…
Background: Healthcare professionals interact daily with individuals who are culturally different from themselves and need to have skills for working with these differences to ensure the best care is provided. Incorporating training to enhance health professional learners’ understanding of cultural considerations and their impact on care is an important component of a modern curriculum. Current research has identified gaps in the inclusion of cultural considerations in the education of future healthcare professionals. This study aimed to evaluate pharmacy, nutrition science, and nursing…
Incorporating scientific literature and evidenced-based recommendations into practice are requirements of all healthcare professionals. This is particularly important in the current ‘digital age’, when patients have easy access to health-related information and frequently conduct their own online searching. This often leads to patients coming to healthcare encounters with information or questions related to their issues of concern, and can include varying levels of reputable evidence related to potential preventative or treatment solutions. Similarly, healthcare professionals will conduct…
United States census data projects that one-fourth of the population will be 65 years or older by the year 2060. This trend is going to require healthcare professionals to be well versed in managing common issues or concerns in this population. To help prepare learners for this experience, the Purdue College of Pharmacy collaborated with Purdue University Nursing and Nutrition Science programs to participate in a Geriatric Medication Game (GMG). In this activity, students assume the role of an elderly patient and are paired with other leaners to represent the experience of a geriatric family…