Tyler Pernes, BA, MD Candidate
Medical Student
University of Michigan Medical School
Tyler Pernes graduated with a BA in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University in 2013. Since graduation, he has spent several years in the fields of data analytics, project management, learning & development, and research. He is currently a first year medical student at the University of Michigan Medical school, where he acts as the M1 student representative for the IPE curriculum. His research interests include IPE, preventative health, and quality improvement. He is also interested in community health and is a director of the University of Michigan Student-Run Free Clinic.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

BackgroundResearch has consistently shown that interprofessional education (IPE) improves patient-centered care, hence the way it is taught to students is pivotal. Previous studies evaluating an interprofessional teaching approach have proven to be effective in increasing interest in the topic. However, most of these studies involved only physicians and physical therapists. To our knowledge, no studies have examined other health professions teaching medical students. Therefore, a group of learners and staff set out to allow health professionals to teach medical students. MethodsA cross-…