BS, DDS Candidate
DDS Candidate
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Tommy graduated with a BS in Biomolecular Science in 2020 from the University of Michigan. In undergrad, Tommy devoted time in teaching by serving as the undergraduate teaching assistant for five different basic science and laboratory courses. He is a third-year dental student, beginning the clinical phase of his training. His research interests revolve around education, including dental education and IPE. He is also serving as a Meeting Coordination and Curriculum Co-Chair of the Interprofessional Student Advisory Committee for all of the health science programs at the University of Michigan.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BackgroundResearch has consistently shown that interprofessional education (IPE) improves patient-centered care and outcomes. Specifically, newer research has identified that student leadership in IPE leads to improved participation among peers, thus leading to improved IPE overall. Peer teaching described within medicine and nursing has had positive effects for both the learner and the teacher, but these studies were uni-professionally and did not examine this within an interprofessional context. The authors aimed to describe a student-developed IPE curriculum where health professional…