Stacy Forbes
Medical Student
Rocky Vista University
Stacy Forbes is a fourth-year medical student at Rocky Vista University. She is currently a pre-doctoral fellow at Rocky Vista University where she works with the Simulation Department to create and execute simulations that enhance student learning experiences. She has a special interest in pediatrics and using simulations to increase the comfort levels of medical providers when caring for pediatric patients. She plans to pursue a pediatric residency.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Preparing students to work in complex healthcare environments calls for educational innovations to prepare for a collaborative workforce. In educational settings, health profession students are expected to learn from each other through interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives. To provide this education, agencies like the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), recommend including outcome-based goals to assess the learner on attaining interprofessional competencies established for collaborative practice. One teaching strategy incorporates the element of outcome-based goals using…