Samantha O'Dell, MPH
Data Analyst and Intern
Indiana University, IU Center for Rural Engagement
Samantha O’Dell has a Masters of Public Health from Indiana University School of Public Health in Bloomington with concentrations in epidemiology and Biostatistics. Samantha has been involved in the statistical analysis of data from interprofessional events and wellness fairs in rural communities. Samantha’s primary focus is on infectious diseases in rural populations.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The intended learning objectives for attendees are to: 1. Explain “Strategic Doing” as a leadership model for building collaborations2. Explore strategies for the development and implementation of events aimed at enhancing rural healthcare access and health literacy3. Discuss an approach to engage students with IPECP4. Discuss evaluation methodologiesRural Americans face health disparities (e.g., food deserts, environmental barriers to physical activity, and access to quality health care) which negatively impact their physical and mental well-being. Rural community members are also more…