Reed Van Deusen, MD, MS
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Human-Based Simulation Education, School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh
Reed Van Deusen is an associate professor in general internal medicine and pediatrics. He serves as the Assistant Dean for Human-Based Simulation Education, directing the SP (Standardized/Simulated Patient) program for the University of Pittsburgh. The SP program partners with the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences and other educational programs in the region to help in clinical and communication skills instruction and assessment. He is a member of the University’s Working Group on Interprofessional Education. His clinical niche is providing primary care for patients with complicated pediatric-onset illness who are too old to be seen by their pediatricians.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Lightning Talk Description:: The past two years have brought a succession of unprecedented changes. From the global pandemic to the world-wide response to racial injustice, interprofessional education (IPE) has been tasked with responding to multiple challenges. From design to debriefing, all aspects of IPE events required adaptation. Through virtual collaborations, faculty development, and consideration of systemic racism and social determinants of health, the University of Pittsburgh successfully moved a large, in-person, introductory event to a virtual setting with contemporary themes.…