Pamela Recto, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor & Assistant Director, South Texas Area Health Education Center
UT Health San Antonio
Pamela Recto, Ph.D., RN, is an assistant professor at UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing and is the assistant director for the South Texas Area Health Education Center. Dr. Recto has 20 years of experience in family-centered care with newborns and families as a registered nurse. Additionally, she has conducts research pertaining to health disparities and mental health by utilizing the principles of community based participatory research. Dr. Recto collaborates with various professions and community organizations and conducts community-engaged research with the goal of helping marginalized populations in South Texas gain access to vital health care resources and services that will improve health outcomes and well-being.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

Organized by faculty and staff members of Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration (LINC), UT Health San Antonio’s Quality Enhancement Plan to advance interprofessional education, interprofessional teams of first- and second-year professional and graduate students were invited to participate in the second annual LINC Interprofessional Case Competition during the spring 2022 semester. This competition afforded student teams an opportunity to augment their professional development, earn prize money, and garner university-wide recognition via an experiential, co-curricular IPE…