Lecturer & Internship Coordinator in the Human Service Studies department
Elon University
Monica Burney is a Lecturer & Internship Coordinator in the Human Service Studies department at Elon University. She is a clinical social worker with experience in various healthcare settings including outpatient home visiting, health education in primary care settings, inpatient psychotherapy, discharge planning and chronic disease management. She works with adults and families, and has been involved on multiple workgroups to address chronic disease, comorbid physical and mental illness burden, and recurring hospital admission. At Elon Monica coordiantes semester long field placements for all seniors, a practical experience for all majors and minor and teaches other service learning courses within the Human Service Studies department. Monica mentors students regularly on research intererest that involve community impact on service learning placments.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Healthcare providers often must communicate with caregivers to provide care to patients. This is even more important when the patients are unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves. Crucial Conversations with Caregivers is a classroom activity focused on the theme of improving family-engaged practice. The activity relies on the participation of an interprofessional team of students, caregiver, and facilitators. The classroom activity is broken into three distinct parts; 1. caregiver personal storytelling of managing the complicated health care of a child and now adult with…