Clinical Research Nurse
Summa Health Systems
Michele Gareri BSN, RN , GERO-BC is a Clinical Research Nurse in the Seniors Institute at Summa Health Akron, OH. She is certified in Gerontological Nursing and has worked in Geriatric Health Services Research for 23 years. She has served in various nursing roles on multiple research grants during this time mainly focusing on geriatric and transitional care. She currently serves as Research Nurse for NEOMED’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP).
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
We will describe a 40-hour Geriatric Resource Course (GRC) for interprofessional learners from healthcare and community provider settings implemented as part of a HRSA-funded Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP). This program is designed to promote interprofessional collaborative practice in geriatrics. It originally combined online didactics, in-person lectures and experiential trainings at sites spanning healthy aging through end of life. With COVID, in-person site visits were changed to weekly virtual meetings spanning the same topics. Learners also attend virtual…