Assistant Professor
Elon University
Melissa Scales is an assistant professor of physical therapy education at Elon University. Dr. Scales has an undergraduate degree in Theatre and Dance from the College of Santa Fe and worked as an analytical chemist before returning to school to study physical therapy. She received her Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Duke University in 2008. After graduation, she played a vital role in the initial shaping of the Duke University Pediatric Physical Therapy Residency Program and completed the residency in 2009 as its first graduate. She completed a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) fellowship at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. She has worked as a physical therapist in outpatient, home health, inpatient, and school settings in both adult and pediatric practice settings.
Dr. Scales is a board certified specialist in pediatric physical therapy. She was a clinical instructor and the Clinical Coordinator for Clinical Education (CCCE) while practicing physical therapy for 7 years with Durham Public Schools. Her research interests are in early mobility in children with movement disorders, assessment measures for hypotonicity and the learning and study skills of entry-lvel physical therapy students.
She is currently pursuing a PhD at North Carolina State University in Learning Design and Technology in the School of Education.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Healthcare providers often must communicate with caregivers to provide care to patients. This is even more important when the patients are unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves. Crucial Conversations with Caregivers is a classroom activity focused on the theme of improving family-engaged practice. The activity relies on the participation of an interprofessional team of students, caregiver, and facilitators. The classroom activity is broken into three distinct parts; 1. caregiver personal storytelling of managing the complicated health care of a child and now adult with…