Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan
Dr. DiClemente’s professional background and experience includes an extensive focus on students and learning. She has taught at the undergraduate level in didactic lecture, simulation, and clinical education for many years. As Clinical Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Nurse Educator, she continues to practice with undergraduate nursing students in the health care setting. She works with students on nursing units and assists students with implementing evidence-based practices and quality improvement initiatives. Her focus is mentoring students for the role of professional nurse.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The intent of interprofessional education (IPE) is for health professions students to train together before beginning professional practice. Development of synergistic relationships between disciplines builds trust, promotes patient safety, and improves patient outcomes. Traditionally, nursing and respiratory therapy programs have their own clinical rotations and schedules; they are parallel to one another and do not intersect for learning opportunities. This is a barrier to immersion experiences in IPE, and faculty must make concerted efforts to cross borders and foster IPE immersion…