Laura Pejsa, MA, PhD
University of Minnesota
Dr. Laura Pejsa is the Director of Evaluation and Organizational Learning at the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education and the lead evaluator on the University of Minnesota’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) grant in the Department of Family Medicine. Her research and practice focuses on evaluation capacity building, teaching individuals and groups how to conduct their own programmatic research and evaluation. Her work has included clinical site visits and observations, data analysis and reporting consulting, evaluation planning, and high level strategic advising with interprofessional education sites across the country.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

The population of people aged 65 years and older is expected to grow from 43.1 million in 2012 to an estimated 83.7 million by 2050 in the United States. Older people are more likely to develop health conditions that require complex care, age-specific screening, assessment, and management strategies. However, primary care clinics within the United States are not yet prepared to meet these age-specific health care needs. The Age-Friendly Health System was introduced by the John A Hartford Foundation, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), American Hospital Association (AHA), and the…