Hoggatt Krumwiede,
Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education
UT Southwestern
Kim Hoggatt Krumwiede, PhD, CMI recently transitioned to Dean of the School of Health Professions at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas where interprofessional education is the focus of their Quality Ehancemenct Plan.(QEP). Prior to that, she was the Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas since 2017. Her role included coordinating institutional efforts in interprofessional education and collaborative practice across the UT Southwestern campus and with outside institutions and entities. Dr. Hoggatt Krumwiede's current research efforts include interprofessional education and educational technology in the health-care environment. She has published on interprofessional practice and education and presented at state, national and international conferences. Dr. Hoggatt Krumwiede originally represented UT Southwestern on the Texas Interprofessional Education Consortium as one of five founding members of this statewide initiative. She currently holds an emeritus position on the Board for the Consortium.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
The Texas IPE Consortium began in 2015, as a collaboration between the Texas state funded Academic Health Science Centers (HSC) including The University of Texas System, Texas Tech University, The University of North Texas, and Texas A&M. The Consortium’s purpose is to foster cross-institutional collaboration to expand learning opportunities and reinforce value for IPE as a critical aspect of health professions education. Consortium institutional membership has expanded to over thirty public and private institutional members state-wide and has attracted institutional members from states…
Interprofessional Education (IPE) facilitators are critical to the development of positive and collaborative learning experiences for students from different disciplines. These health professions educators require a broad range of interprofessional knowledge and skills for effective implementation, which usually necessitates a significant adjustment from uniprofessional content delivery. However, faculty development for IPE is often infrequent or lacks stadardization. Further, faculty efforts related to IPE often go unrecognized as they are rarely part of the evaluation, promotion, and tenure…