Clinical Associate Professor, Emerita, AMWA Immediate Past President
Bronson Women's Center, Borgess Women's Health, Michigan State University
Board-certified in OBGyn, Dr. Werbinski practiced Women's Health and Gynecology for 40 years, retiring in 2013. She is former Medical Director of Bronson Women's Center, Borgess Women's Health, and the Kalamazoo YWCA Sexual Assault Center.
As Clinical Associate Professor Emerita at WMed, she teaches and wrote an iBook on Sex specific medicine. Immediate Past President of AMWA, she is a founder of AMWA’s Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative, informing providers in sex and gender appropriate medicine.
She has been instrumental in introducing a fundamental change in women’s healthcare, considering the many ways in which women’s and men’s healthcare differ.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
IntroductionSex as a biological variable has an impact on anatomy and physiology, symptoms, diagnosis, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses to treatment, and health outcomes. Gender as a sociocultural variable impacts risk factors for disease. Most preclinical and clinical research studies still do not adequately represent females/women; disaggregate, analyze and report data by sex; or account for gender influences. These variables have not been incorporated systematically into education across health professions. Four educational tenets designed by an interprofessional team of sex…