Donamarie N-Wilfong, DNP, RN
VP Simulation Education
The Simulation, Teaching, and Academic Research (STAR) Center at Allegheny Health Network
Donamarie N-Wilfong, DNP, RN is the co-founder of the Simulation, Teaching, and Academic Research Center and VP of Simulation Education at Allegheny Health Network. As an educator, author, and entrepreneur, she is recognized for her ability to use simulation as a teaching tool. Dr. Wilfong developed over 200 interprofessional simulation courses, trained over 100,000 learners, and presented at many reputable conferences. She has been a nursing and interprofessional professor teaching at all levels of practice, for forty years. She serves on many advisory boards for universities, schools, and community initiatives, and has received awards for her innovation in healthcare education.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:

BACKGROUND: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees began working independently from remote locations. This shift in work dynamics requires employees to have distinct skills, such as self-motivation and self-discipline. Furthermore, employees must be adaptable and creative to succeed in today’s ever-changing world. The education that students receive prior to entering this workforce, must develop these crucial skills. Employees today must be equipped with technology literacy, productivity, and flexibility skills, and they can attain many of such skills through Science, Technology,…