Assistant Prof. Family & Community Medicine, Director IPE
Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Dr. Pole directs the SLU Center for Interprofessional Education & Research. The Center coordinates IP learning experiences and course at the undergraduate, graduate, and clincal practice levels across the medical center. He is the course director for medical students in patient safety, qualtiy improvement, and the IP Team Semianrs with students from 9 different professions during the clinical training phase of their programs. This project is the product of collaboraions across the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and College of Health Sciences and the Provost Office to integrate IPE courses with the new Core Curriculum for the university.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Sustainability and integration into the wider institution are common concerns for IPE programs. The IPE team at Saint Louis University (SLU) has engaged in a collaborative process of integrating IPE courses and outcomes with a new university-wide core curriculum for all undergraduate students. This seminar will share a Core Curriculum Framework, outcomes, and essential criteria and the process of working across the institution to align IPEC competencies to University Student Learning Outcomes and strengthen IP learning as a contributing partner to the overall goals and outcomes of a SLU…