Adjunct Professor of Medicine
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Connie B. Newman, MD, MACP is an endocrinologist, Adjunct Professor of Medicine, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, Past President, American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and a member of the FDA Endocrine and Metabolism Drugs Advisory Committee. She has Board certifications in Endocrinology and Metabolism, and Obesity Medicine. Committed to health and gender equity, Dr. Newman writes and lectures on health equity, challenges facing women in medicine, physician burnout, and sex and gender- based healthcare. She co-chaired the 2021 Sex and Gender Health Education Summit attended by educators and practtioners from multiple disciplines. She is co-editor of the medical textbook “How Sex and Gender Impact Clinical Practice: An Evidence Based Approach to Patient Care” Elsevier, 2021. Her chapter in this textbook addresses sex and gender differences in lipids, diabetes and obesity.
Dr. Newman has clinical expertise in diabetes, obesity, and the diagnosis and management of lipid disorders.She has significantly contributed to cardiovascular medicine through her work on statin safety. She served as Chair of the Writing Committee for the 2020 Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline on dyslipidemia in patients with endocrine disorders. She also chaired the Writing Committee for the 2019 American Heart Association Scientific Statement: “Statin Safety and Associated Adverse Events”. Dr. Newman has been honored by the AMWA Bertha Van Hoosen Award, a Mastership in the American College of Physicians, and a Fellowship in the New York Academy of Medicine.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
IntroductionSex as a biological variable has an impact on anatomy and physiology, symptoms, diagnosis, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses to treatment, and health outcomes. Gender as a sociocultural variable impacts risk factors for disease. Most preclinical and clinical research studies still do not adequately represent females/women; disaggregate, analyze and report data by sex; or account for gender influences. These variables have not been incorporated systematically into education across health professions. Four educational tenets designed by an interprofessional team of sex…
Learning objectives
1. Define sex, gender, and intersectionality of race and social variables.
2. Describe examples of sex and gender ( S/G) differences in patient-practitioner communication, and disease manifestations, diagnosis and/or treatment.
3. Use the Six Step model for interprofessional S/G based education and collaborative practice.
Differences in biological sex and gender (S/G) influence patient-practitioner communication; attitudes towards health care; diagnosis, disease management, and health outcomes. Education on this topic is deficient. To achieve the quadruple aim, it is…