Occupational Therapist
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Colleen Craven, OTD, OTR is an occupational therapist who has been practicing in acute care at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA for seven years. She is passionate about using meaningful activities to increase patient participation and improve patient outcomes. Colleen is the founder and chair of her state association’s Acute Care Special Interest group. In addition to her primary job functions, Colleen has been recognized for her commitment to, and passion for, interprofessional education and collaboration, as well as advocating for the OT profession in the acute care setting.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Introduction: Physicians in acute care lack understanding of the role and scope of OT (Kingston et al., 2019; Nonaillada, 2018). Evidence supports OT can decrease patient length of stay and readmissions, reduce hospital spending, and improve patient satisfaction (Rogers et al., 2017). There is a paucity of continuing education opportunities for physicians to increase knowledge and use of OT (Oldenburg et al., 2020). This fragmented and limited knowledge underscores the importance of advocating for and educating about OT, as well the importance of interprofessional education and collaboration…