MSM, M.Ed, Ed.S
Assistant Director and Faculty Lecturer
University of Florida
Caronne Rush, MSM, M.Ed., Ed.S. is the assistant director in the Office of Interprofessional Education and a doctoral student at the University of Florida. Her research focus includes interprofessional pipeline programs for Black students in pre-health and mental health counselor preparation training for integrated primary and behavioral health care teams.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Natural language processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence (AI), provides a means for computers to explore written narrative. Widely adopted in a broad range of contexts, including education, it may offer efficient processes to examine qualitative based interprofessional education (IPE) outcomes. AI can be used to explore narrative at many different levels (individual, program, institution). We applied NLP at the programmatic level to explore and understand the narrative data produced during one longitudinal community-based experiential interprofessional learning experience. This…
Black healthcare providers and health-related students are underrepresented compared to their overall population in the United States. Pipeline programs are essential for retention of Black students in the health professions. Black students at Predominantly White Institutions (PWI) generally face several challenges, namely a lack of institutional support, connections, and role models. Combined with systemic racism, these overlapping issues fail to encourage a sense of belonging at their institutions. To overcome these challenges, the interprofessional (including six colleges) “Keys to Success…