University of Kentucky
Bella Flora-Brown is from Lexington, KY. She graduated from the University of Kentucky in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Health Science with a minor in Patient Advocacy. She is currently a second-year physician assistant student at the University of Kentucky interested in women's health, family medicine, dermatology and pediatrics.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
BACKGROUND: As many as 30% of emergency department (ED) visits in the United States are for problems that are not considered urgent,1 meaning they could have been treated in another setting. Patients with chronic conditions often seek care from ED services for non-emergent problems. $4.4 billion in annual costs could be saved if patients sought treatment for their non-urgent problem in the proper setting. Interprofessional clinics (IPCs) are well-suited to address these challenges. Despite robust literature on specialty IPCs, a gap in the literature merits exploration for primary care IPCs.…