PharmD, BCPS
Director of Interprofessional Education/Asst. Professor
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Dr. Angela Chu, PharmD, BCPS is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Director of Interprofessional Education (IPE) - South Jordan at Roseman University of Health Sciences. She received her BA in Spanish and PharmD at Ohio Northern University and completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at Truman Medical Centers. Dr. Chu practices on an interprofessional team as a neurology clinical pharmacist at Intermountain Medical Center and serves as a preceptor for students and residents. She is the course coordinator for Critical Care, Neurology, IPE, and Medical Spanish. Her research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning and IPE.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Misperceptions of health professionals’ scope of practice and contributions to the healthcare team limits the quality and quantity of provider interactions and may ultimately result in suboptimal and inefficient patient care. Individuals are often unaware of their knowledge gaps and the extent to which their experiences influence their perception of the work of others. The Generic Roles Perception Questionnaire (GRPQ) was developed to assess student views regarding the roles of other healthcare professionals. The GRPQ could be used to highlight discrepancies between how students see…