Professional Poster

Successful Integration and Growth of Multi-Departmental IPE Programming

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The goals of the interprofessional opportunities at the University of Indianapolis are to prepare students to be successful with situations they will encounter in their work in the unpredictable environments they enter post-graduation. Students from different educational backgrounds and work experiences come together to learn as teams in the dual-credential programs created to support these goals. The increased exposure and discussions with others in different professions helps to promote collaboration. As world populations continue to age and diversify, the need grows for a workforce that is prepared to navigate uncertainty with clarity and purpose. The literature supports the importance of interprofessional education (IPE) (Buring et al., 2009, Machin et al, 2019). According to Rogers et al (2017) IPE is meant to help students and those practicing healthcare to operate in a collaborative manner. IPE can be explained as follows: “to expand a student’s knowledge of other disciplines, to develop skills that enable optimal performance within a team, and to provide an opportunity for students from a variety of disciplines to learn from and about each other” (Gilbert et al, p. 1). At UIndy, the infrastructure was developed over the past six years and collegial cooperation attained to implement multiple interprofessional dual-credential programs. This presentation illuminates the ‘steps and stumbles’ that occurred in the process of growing from two to 21 dual-credential programs. Walter, Hall, and Zierler (2015) found that interprofessional teaching and course activities can be difficult to conceive and manage for some instructors. Machin et al (2019) also recognizes the dilemmas faced in designing IPE programming. Encouragement and mentoring from the Dean, Chairs, and Program Directors gave faculty and staff the support they needed to provide a successful implementation of dual-credentialed programs and IPE courses across schools and disciplines at UIndy. Additional education and support were provided to committees who reviewed the dual-program proposals and others who needed to get on board and innovate changes in the existing university systems. The essential ingredients in the success of interdisciplinary education and practice across the university are effective communication and collaboration for shared courses and programs. It takes a compelling vision consistently over time, along with the exercise of patience and persistence to move things forward. This presentation is meant to provide information and support to any who desire to pursue the innovation of IPE with dual-credential program opportunities to support student learning and promote program sustainability.