Student Poster

Interprofessional Health Wellness Visit for Least Disadvantaged Females Aged 14-17 Years Old

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We investigated the benefits of an interprofessional wellness visit for females aged 14-17 in affluent areas in Louisiana compared to a traditional wellness visit. This particular patient population is in overall good health with only 3.2% siting aliments. The major risk factors for this population include obesity, alcohol consumption, and cigarette smoking. The leading causes of mortality include unintentional injuries, homicide, and suicide. In order to determine which respective interprofessional health team member was responsible for various components of the visit such as screening, tests, history, and education, we created a "swim lanes" visualization. Duplication of assessments and education was noted. CPT codes and associated cost were added to individual swim lanes. The multidisciplinary team designated certain professions to perform assessments where duplications occurred.

The current approach regarding annual wellness visits screens for many common STI, vision, and a physical exam with an estimated cost of $733.63. An interprofessional visit would first include a history and physical completed by either an MD, RN, or PA. Second, a hearing and visual exam completed by an MD, RN, SLP, or audiologist. Third, a dental exam and hygiene evaluation completed by either a dentist or a dental hygienist. Lastly, a physical therapist or MD would be responsible for assessing range of motion, muscle strength, and sensation.

Although this patient population is overall in good health, they still benefit from comprehensive annual wellness visits. An interprofessional wellness visit would addresses normal developmental health needs as well as a focus on hearing evaluations, education, and mental health. This is supported by data that shows there is an increased risk for patients in this age group to be affected by suicide, substance abuse, violent crimes by peers, and hearing loss. With the addition of these screenings, we estimated that the cost of the visit would be $997.90, which is a difference of $264.27 from the traditional wellness visit.

Through comprehensive assessments and education on topics such as substance abuse, mental health, personal safety, social relationships, and others, health professionals from various specialties can work together to more effectively detect and prevent avertible diseases. However, our healthcare system is not currently designed to implement all of these methods of primary and secondary prevention. Although interprofessional wellness visits have a slightly higher cost per visit, there is a cost reduction in the long-term due to less finances allocated to hearing aids, mental health crises, car accidents, gun related injuries, and others.